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Geriatrics services offered in Palm Springs, CA

The comprehensive geriatrics services available at the offices of D Reddy Narayan in Palm Springs, California, help you maintain your independence and vitality for as long as possible. Dharmavijaypal Reddy Narayan, MD, takes a compassionate approach to caring for the needs of older people. Dr. Narayan offers a range of services, including medication management, routine physicals, and preventive health screenings that meet the needs of people 75 and older. Schedule a geriatrics consultation online or call the office today. 

Geriatrics Q&A

What are geriatrics?

Geriatrics is a medical specialty that addresses the needs of older people, especially those 75 and older. Aging causes a wide range of changes that affect your physical, mental, and emotional health. Geriatrics care is beneficial for managing those changes and ensuring you can enjoy a high-quality, active life for as long as possible.

D Reddy Narayan offers comprehensive geriatrics care for men and women to optimize their existing health and lower risk factors for chronic health issues and other complications.

Dr. Narayan can also address fall risks and other issues that become more common as you age and can reduce your mobility and independence.

What geriatrics services are available?

To protect your health and longevity, D Reddy Narayan offers comprehensive geriatrics services, including:

  • Physical exams
  • Vaccinations
  • Preventive care
  • Fall risk assessment
  • Cognitive function evaluations
  • Medication management
  • Chronic disease management

Dr. Narayan can also provide recommendations for continued care services in your own home, a hospital, or at a skilled nursing facility if you’re not able to fully care for yourself.

Resources are available to support your family and caregivers and ensure you have the medical attention and supervision you need to be safe and comfortable.

What can I expect during my initial geriatrics consultation?

During your initial geriatrics consultation, Dr. Narayan spends time reviewing your medical history, any treatments you’re currently on, and any health concerns you have. He also performs a physical exam to check your muscle strength, joint flexibility, and skin health.

Depending on your current health and history, Dr. Narayan may order bloodwork or other diagnostic tests to assess your health. You might also need blood testing if you’re taking medications to ensure they’re working well for your condition.

Dr. Narayan also provides fall risk assessments and other screenings to protect your health and mobility. If you have trouble getting around safely, he may recommend a walker or other device for additional support.

Through regular follow-up appointments, Dr. Narayan continues to monitor your health and can address any new symptoms or mobility issues that develop. 

To schedule a geriatrics appointment, call D Reddy Narayan or book an appointment online today.